Discover the level of risk of your organization regarding Telecommuting and obtain recommendations for the implementation of best practices together with a mitigation plan for the detected risks.

As in any risk analysis and self-diagnosis tools, from a series of very simple questions, KATS enables the organization’s level of exposure to possible attacks to be determined. Besides, it is very simple to use and is free. Simply download an Excel file (no macros) and answer the questions.

This work would not have been possible without the commitment and professionalism of Cristian Borghello, from Segu-Info; Alejandra Giménez, from IniciACtiva; Marcelo Temperini and Maximiliano Macedo, from AsegurarTE; and Mauro Graziosi, Mauro Sánchez, and Nicolás Bruna, from SMARTFENSE.

Logo of Self-diagnosis Kit on Safe Telecommuting

The survey considers various topics: Remote Access, Users’ Devices, Users’ Habits, Compliance, Management and Organization of Security, and Project Tracking.


Recommendations and the action plan to mitigate detected risks are based on the best international practices: ISO, PCI, CSA, NIST, etc.


KATS is easy to use, and its output is clear and concrete. Furthermore, its usefulness does not end in the diagnosis but rather emphasizes the monitoring of the implementation of the action plan.

Download the kit now for free